DPhil in Architectural History (2024)

Course details

Architectural history has been taught within the Department for many years. The subject is defined broadly to include the built and designed landscape, and aspects of interior design. The programme is designed to enable students, including mature students, to undertake individual research. Past students have studied for the intrinsic interest of the subject as well as in connection with careers in heritage management and conservation.

The DPhil programme draws on considerable experience in providing advanced tuition in architectural history. It profits from the close links within the department between the disciplines of architectural history, art history, English local history and landscape archaeology. It also has links with other parts of the University, particularly the Faculty of History, the Department of History of Art, and Kellogg College, amongst the fellows of which is the largest concentration of architectural historians associated with the University.

Quick links

  • Supervision
  • Programme details
  • College affiliation
  • Libraries and computing facilities
  • Provision for students with disabilities
  • Application details – how to apply, entry requirements and fees


In broad terms, supervision is possible in most areas of British architectural history from the middle ages to the present, and some European and American topics. In terms of Great Britain, academic staff currently have particular research interests in ecclesiastical buildings; country houses and their landscapes; architecture of the period 1880-1940; Gothic Revival; urban and institutional architecture, especially of London and Oxford, from 1660 to the present.

Programme details

The part-time DPhil regulations require a period of five to eight years’part-time study (equivalent to three years' full-time). Research students may be required to undertake appropriate research training provided within the Department. In addition, they will be strongly encouraged to participate in seminars and informal meetings with staff and other researchers both within the Department and elsewhere in the University. The major commitment of time will be to individual study and research, involving wide and intense reading, data collection (which may include fieldwork) and analysis, and writing.

College affiliation

All students studying for a master’s degree or DPhil must be a member of a college. Applicants may wish to note that the majority of students on part-time degree programmes are members of Kellogg College and most of the tutors and lecturers are Fellows of the College. Kellogg is dedicated to graduate part-time students and has developed a unique expertise in attending to the intellectual, social, IT and welfare needs of part-time, mature graduate students. The College is based a short distance from the Department on the Banbury Road. Applicants may, however, also wish to note that Wycliffe Hall, St Catherine’s College, Linacre College, Blackfriars and Campion Hall have an interest in students on this programme.

Libraries and computing facilities

Registered students receive an Oxford University card, valid for one year at a time, which acts as a library card for the Departmental Library at Rewley House and provides access to the unrivalled facilities of the Bodleian Libraries including the central Bodleian, major research libraries such as the Sackler Library, Taylorian Institution Library, Bodleian Social Science Library, and faculty libraries such as English and History. Students also have access to a wide range of electronic resources including electronic journals, many of which can be accessed from home. Students on the course are entitled to use the Library at Rewley House for reference and private study and to borrow books. The loan period is normally two weeks and up to eight books may be borrowed. Students will also be encouraged to use their nearest University library. More information about the Continuing Education Library can be found at the Bodleian website.

The University card also provides access to facilities at Oxford University Computing Service (OUCS), 13 Banbury Road, Oxford. Computing facilities are available to students in the Students'Computing Facility in Rewley House and at Ewert House.

Provision for students with disabilities

The Department’s aim is to treat all students equally and we welcome applications from students with disabilities. Individual student needs are taken into account as far as possible, providing necessary adaptations and assistance within the resources available. If you disclose your disability on your application form (which will be confidential) we will aim to make reasonable adjustment to ensure all academically capable students are able to participate.

If you have a learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, there are ways in which the Department can support you in your study. Please discuss with us how we may be able to help you before you start your course. We can refer you to an educational psychologist for assessment, if needed, and aim to have any assistance identified available for you from the beginning of your studies. Financial assistance may be available for the cost of the assessment.

For matters relating to disability or learning difficulty, please contact the Access Officer on 01865 280355 or via email atstudent.support@conted.ox.ac.uk

You can also obtain information from:

Disability Advisory Service
3 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2BX
Telephone: 01865 280459

How to apply

For entry requirements, selection criteria and how to apply please visit the course page on the Graduate Admissions website.

If you have any questions about the progress of your application, please contact the OUDCE Award Programme Administrator(01865 286938; email: pgr@conted.ox.ac.uk)
or the Graduate Admissions Office (tel: 01865 270059; email: graduate.admissions@admin.ox.ac.uk)


Please visit the DPhil in Architectural Historypage on theUniversity of Oxford Graduate Admissions websitefor details of course fees and costs.

DPhil in Architectural History (2024)


Why is architecture one of the hardest degrees? ›

The only thing that puts an official stop to your work is the deadline, or due date. The second reason architecture is so hard is that it requires deep thinking and understanding. Architecture is very design heavy and problem-solving based. These things require deep thinking and critical thought.

What can you do with an architecture history degree? ›

Become a historic site manager. Become an architectural critic. Architectural historians conduct research and evaluation, help manage and preserve historic artifacts, and provide preservation oversight to help restore and maintain the integrity of architectural treasures and their communities.

How many words is a Dphil at Oxford history? ›

Full-time students will be expected to submit a substantial thesis of not more than 100,000 words after three or, at most, four years from the date of admission.

Why architects should study architectural history? ›

Architectural history provides us with a peek into how different cultures prepared for catastrophes through their architecture. It also documents the anthropogenic impact on the environment. Architects must learn to understand the history of disasters in a region revealed through its architectural history.

Is architectural history a major? ›

Overview. Architectural History is a unique specialization that combines elements of Art History and Architecture. Unfortunately, it is offered as a distinct, structured major at only a handful of colleges and universities around the United States.

Where do architectural historians work? ›

Historical Research and Evaluation

Compared to preservation planning and administration this field is less office oriented, requiring more on-site work and travel. Principal employers are architectural firms, cultural resource firms and government agencies.

What do you need to become an architectural historian? ›

Minimum Qualifications required for this classification: Either I. A Bachelor's Degree in Art History, Architectural History or Historic Preservation, with a concentration in American Architecture including course work in 17th-20th Century American Architecture, and 19th-20th Century Architectural History.

Can you call a DPhil a PhD? ›

A DPhil is what Oxford and some other British universities call a PhD.

What is the acceptance rate for DPhil history Oxford? ›

3 in 5 applicants to this programme received an offer. Data shown above is for entry in academic year 2019/20 (sources).

Why does Oxford call a PhD a DPhil? ›

The reason for this is that 'DPhil' is a British abbreviation and is only currently used by a handful of UK universities such as Oxford, and occasionally, Sussex and York. While almost all UK universities adopt the term 'PhD', the University of Oxford still uses 'DPhil' as you can see on their admissions page.

How important is architectural history? ›

Architectural history is pivotal for understanding our cultural identity and inspiring future designs. It enriches our appreciation of our built environment and informs the preservation and evolution of our architectural landscape.

Why do architects want to be architects? ›

One of the most satisfying feelings as an architect is seeing your design built and being used by the people you designed it for. Architects have the power to protect and enrich people's lives by designing the world around us.

What is the subject of architectural history? ›

The history of architecture traces the changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, overarching stylistic trends, and dates. The beginnings of all these traditions is thought to be humans satisfying the very basic need of shelter and protection.

Is architecture the most difficult major? ›

1. College Major: Architecture. Architecture tops the list of hardest working college majors, with students averaging 22.2 hours of study time each week. This figure inevitably takes a toll.

What is the hardest thing about architecture? ›

Being able to recognize what is realistic and what is not and being able to turn the unrealistic into something that is realistic with the most smiling faces as possible, that's the hardest part about architecture.

Why architecture is harder than engineering? ›

Creativity vs. Technicality: Architecture demands creativity, innovation, and an eye for design aesthetics. It requires the ability to envision and communicate abstract concepts. Engineering requires a strong grasp of technical principles, precise calculations, and a focus on problem-solving.

What is the most difficult thing about being an architect? ›

Long hours. While most architects work in full-time positions, many of these professionals often work over 40 hours per week. They may work additional hours when they're meeting deadlines or finishing a project. Sometimes, they may work in the evenings or on weekends to complete their tasks.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.