Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (2024)

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By Ashley | Recipe Creator

Jan 12, 2021 @ 3:58 PM MST

Keto Chocolate Fudge

yield: 12 SERVINGS

prep time: 2 MINUTES

cook time: 2 MINUTES

total time: 4 MINUTES




In a microwavable bowl, add 1 cup of keto sweetened condensed milk and the bag of dark chocolate chips.


Place in microwave and cook in 30-second intervals (this took me 1 minute total to get the chocolate to be completely melted). Make sure to stir between intervals. You can also add in nuts to the mix.


Add in 1 tablespoon of granular Swerve and stir.


Pour in 8x8 pan lined with parchment paper or nonstick pan, add nuts to the top if you like (optional).


Place in refrigerator or freezer until cool. Serve and enjoy!

Nutrition Information

Yield: 12, Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:110.7 Calories | 10.1g Fat | 18.6g Total Carbs | 10.6g Fiber | 6.3g Sugar Alcohol | 0g Protein | 1.6g Net Carbs

Brought to you by Hip2Keto.

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Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (1)

Calling all chocolate lovers!

Boy, have I created a surprise for you! A simple, rich, and creamy easy keto chocolate fudge recipe. I know, I know, you have tried all of the “best” fudge recipes hoping to fill that void, but this one is it! I have tested and tested this fudge more times than I can count to make sure I provided the best recipe for you.

This simple keto dessert recipe only uses three ingredients and can be made in the microwave or stove-top in under 5 minutes. I can get this made before the kids get home from school, hide it, and they will never know anything about it. 😆

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (2)

Creamy coconut milk goodness!

In this recipe, I have used our keto sweetened condensed milk as one of the ingredients, and it makes this easy keto chocolate fudge recipe over-the-top delicious! It uses coconut milk as the secret ingredient to keep it oh so low carb.

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (3)

Hip Tips for making the best keto chocolate fudge:

  • If you like fudge topped with nuts, you can opt to add pecans or chopped walnuts before the fudge cools.
  • If microwaving, make sure you are heating up your chocolate and condensed milk in 30-second intervals to avoid scorching.
  • Place parchmentpaper in the pan to make clean up a breeze. Also, you can add clips to the side to hold up the paper.
  • If you’re running short on time and you’ve placed the fudge in the pan, feel free to pop your pan in the freezer until it is set. Then lift out the parchment paper and cut the fudge into bite-size pieces.
  • Store in a sealed container for up to five days.

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (4)

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (5)

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (6)

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (7)

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (8)


Keto Chocolate Fudge

yield: 12 SERVINGS

prep time: 2 MINUTES

cook time: 2 MINUTES

total time: 4 MINUTES

Simple, rich, and creamy keto chocolate fudge with three ingredients and done in under five minutes.




In a microwavable bowl, add 1 cup of keto sweetened condensed milk and the bag of dark chocolate chips.


Place in microwave and cook in 30-second intervals (this took me 1 minute total to get the chocolate to be completely melted). Make sure to stir between intervals. You can also add in nuts to the mix.


Add in 1 tablespoon of granular Swerve and stir.


Pour in 8x8 pan lined with parchment paper or nonstick pan, add nuts to the top if you like (optional).


Place in refrigerator or freezer until cool. Serve and enjoy!

Additional Notes

Don’t be alarmed by the high total carb count! Fiber and erythritol (the main ingredient in Swerve) do not affect blood sugar in the same way that regular carbs do, so we’ve subtracted them from the total carb count. You’ll see that the net carbs are much lower once you remove the sugar alcohols and fiber.

Nutrition Information

Yield: 12, Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:110.7 Calories | 10.1g Fat | 18.6g Total Carbs | 10.6g Fiber | 6.3g Sugar Alcohol | 0g Protein | 1.6g Net Carbs

Brought to you by Hip2Keto.

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (9)

My team member, Jenna, gave this recipe a test for me, and here’s what she had to say:

“This fudge is delicious and has a great flavor and consistency! I just love the keto condensed milk recipe, what a great way to make it by using coconut milk as one of the ingredients, it really makes this recipe work. Who knew low carb fudge could taste so good!?”

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (10)

So… when you’re feeling like you need a quick keto dessert, let this be your new go to. I mean who doesn’t love fudge? 😋

Make these keto peppermint patties next!

About the writer:

Ashley Mott is a keto recipe developer and has over 2 years of experience as a content creator. She studied design and historic preservation. She has always loved testing new and innovative recipes.

Easy Keto Chocolate Fudge Recipe (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.