NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder Review: Pros and Cons of Gut Health Support Formula | The Daily World (2024)

US-based supplement company NativePath has launched a new baobab powder supplement called Native Fiber.

By taking one scoop of Native Fiber daily, you can give your body a significant dose of natural fiber, which can relieve constipation and promote regularity and colon health, among other effects.

Please keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Native Fiber and how it works today in our review.

What is Native Fiber?

Native Fiber is a fiber supplement that provides 2g of dietary fiber per serving, along with organic baobab fruit and L-glutamine.

Backed by a 365-day satisfaction guarantee, Native Fiber uses the power of baobab to promote digestive health. Baobab is a tree native to parts of Africa. Parts of that tree have been used in traditional African medicine for centuries. Today, the baobab has surged in popularity across the supplement space.

Your body needs two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Baobab contains both.

Native Fiber was created by Dr. Chad Warding, DPT, and his team at NativePath. In addition to Native Fiber, the company offers a range of supplements targeting different health and wellness goals, including Collagen Peptides, Antarctic Krill Oil, and MCT Powder, among others. The company launched in 2017.

Get started today and see the difference Native Fiber can make!

Native Fiber Benefits

Some of the benefits of Native Fiber, according to the official website, include:

  • Use baobab to promote digestion
  • Complementary ingredients like L-glutamine to support gut health
  • Developed by Dr. Chad Walding, DPT
  • It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber for digestive health
  • Fight bloating, IBS, constipation, and other digestive health issues
  • Backed by a 365-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does Native Fiber Work?

Native Fiber provides a strong dose (4g) of baobab fruit extract in each scoop.

You add one scoop of the citrus-flavored formula to water, a shake, or your choice of beverage, then drink it once or twice daily. Each scoop contains 2g of dietary fiber, helping you stay regular and promoting digestive health in multiple ways.

Native Fiber contains two active ingredients, including baobab and L-glutamine. Baobab is a nutrient-dense African fruit extract packed with bioactive compounds linked to digestive health and overall wellness. L-glutamine is an amino acid known to fight leaky gut.

Learn more on the official website >>>

Native Fiber vs. Fiber Myths

There are plenty of fiber supplements available today. Why pick Native Fiber?

Dr. Walding and his team at NativePath specifically designed Native Fiber to solve six myths linked to fiber supplementation, including:

  • Myth #1: There’s Only One Type of Fiber: Most people think of fiber as a single nutrient. Some foods are rich in fiber. Some people take fiber supplements. However, there are two types of fiber that work in different ways, including soluble and insoluble. Your gut needs both types because they both benefit gut health. Insoluble fiber bulks up in your gut to help with constipation, for example, while soluble fiber helps you stay fuller for longer while helping with cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Myth #2: Cereal is the Best Type of Fiber: Some people take cereal daily for fiber. Some cereals are even advertised as “high fiber.” Some cereals genuinely contain lots of fiber. However, they also contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and chemicals. They’re highly processed foods that could do more harm to your gut than good.
  • Myth #3: All Fruits & Vegetables Are Good Fiber Sources: Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, but not all fruits and vegetables are good for fiber. Some produce – like cucumbers and watermelons – have very little fiber. Other vegetables contain most of their fiber (more than 50%) in the skin, which means you only get a significant dose when eating the skin (say, with apples and pears). NativePath recommends focusing on dark-colored fruits and vegetables, which tend to have higher fiber content.
  • Myth #4 Fiber & Prebiotics Are the Same Thing: All prebiotics are fiber, but not all fiber is a prebiotic. Common types of prebiotic fibers include pectin (from apples), polyphenols (from dark chocolate and baobab), resistant starch (from oats and lentils), and inulin (from artichokes, leeks, and onions).
  • Myth #5: You Only Need Fiber to Stay Regular: Fiber does way more than help you stay regular. Fiber intake is also associated with heart health, blood sugar control, weight loss, and appetite control. Increasing fiber consumption may be one of the best things to do for health – especially considering 95% of adults don’t get their daily recommended fiber intake.
  • Myth #6: You Should Always Take Supplements to Ensure You’re Getting Enough Fiber: Simply adding a supplement to your diet may not have the same effects as natural sources of fiber. You can take a powdered fiber supplement, for example. However, NativePath claims these powdered supplements do not “have the same degree of protective effects on your overall health.” Instead, you’re better off adding high-fiber whole foods to your diet first.

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Native Fiber Ingredients

The most essential ingredient in Native Fiber is baobab. You get 2g of dietary fiber (from baobab) in each serving, along with an additional dose of baobab and 200mg of L-glutamine.

Here are all of the ingredients in each 5.4g scoop of Native Fiber and how they work:

  • Baobab Fruit (4g): The bulk of each 5.4g scoop of Native Fiber consists of organic baobab fruit extract in the form of Fibriss. There’s 4g of baobab extract in each scoop of Native Fiber. Baobab has a long history of use in traditional medicine practices in Africa, where it’s been known as the “tree of life” for centuries. Baobab contains soluble and insoluble fiber, making it unique in the plant community. Your gut needs both types of fiber for digestion. Approximately 50% of baobab is dietary fiber, which is why there’s 2g of total dietary fiber in each scoop of Native Fiber. Baobab contains more antioxidants than blueberries, goji berries, pomegranates, and acai while also functioning as a valuable source of polyphenols. Additionally, NativePath claims their baobab is “wild-harvested by women in Africa.”
  • L-Glutamine (200mg): L-glutamine is an amino acid linked to gut health. Some take glutamine supplements daily for leaky gut, and others for general digestive health. NativePath added glutamine to its baobab powder supplement to “supercharge” its effects with a “marvelous gut-boosting ingredient.” Specifically, the L-glutamine in Native Fiber can promote three benefits, according to NativePath: positively impacting the gut microbiome, increasing the integrity of the intestinal lining, and helping to minimize inflammation in the gut.
  • Himalayan Rock Salt (60mg): Native Fiber contains 60mg of sodium (3% DV) as Himalayan rock salt. Sodium is an electrolyte crucial for digestive health, nervous system health, and overall wellness. Lack of sodium intake could cause your nervous system to misfire along your digestive tract, making it harder to push waste out of your body and maintain digestive regularity.
  • Other (Inactive) Ingredients: The remaining ingredients in Native Fiber include citric acid (to protect the flavor), natural flavors, monk fruit extract, stevia extract, beta carotene (for color), and silicon dioxide.

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What Makes Baobab Special for Digestive Health?

Baobab is known as the “tree of life” in its Native Africa, where it has a long history of use in traditional medicine and natural remedies.

Today, NativePath sources its baobab from raw baobab fruit handpicked by African women.

To promote digestive health, Baobab contains two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Both fiber types are crucial for regularity, microbiota balance, and overall digestive health. Your digestive health could suffer if you don’t get enough soluble and insoluble fiber in the correct ratios.

Baobab also contains antioxidants. There are more antioxidants by weight in baobab than in popular antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries, goji berries, and pomegranates.

Baobab contains essential nutrients, including significant doses of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. There’s six times more potassium in baobab than in bananas.

Overall, traditional medicine practitioners in Africa have known about the benefits of baobab for decades. Today, the rest of the world continues to discover its power on digestive health and overall wellness.

Baobab Contains Two Types of Fiber

Your body needs two fiber types for optimal function, including soluble and insoluble fiber. Your digestive health will suffer if you don’t get enough fiber in the proper ratios.

Baobab is unique because it contains significant doses of both soluble and insoluble fiber. This is one reason NativePath describes it as a “miraculous African fruit.” In fact, the company claims “all other fiber supplements were grossly inferior” after it discovered the fiber-rich power of baobab.

Here’s how both types of fiber work for digestion:

  • Soluble Fiber: Soluble fiber mixes with water in your digestive tract to create a gel-like paste. As it passes through your gut, it slows digestion, helping to minimize blood sugar spikes and promote healthy cholesterol. Instead of your body rapidly absorbing all of the compounds of food at once, soluble fiber slows the absorption. Soluble fiber also has prebiotic effects, helping to feed probiotic bacteria in your gut.
  • Insoluble Fiber: Most people think of insoluble fiber when they think of fiber. It doesn’t dissolve in water; instead, it adds bulk to stool, helping to physically push waste out of the body. Some take insoluble fiber to relieve constipation, and others take it for general regularity.

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How Glutamine Helps with Gut Health

Many people take a glutamine supplement daily for gut health, leaky gut, and general digestive health.

Instead of needing to take a fiber supplement and a glutamine supplement, Native Fiber contains both ingredients.

According to NativePath, the glutamine in Native Fiber can promote gut health in three ways, including:

  • L-glutamine positively impacts the gut microbiome. If your gut microbiome is unbalanced, your gut bacteria aren’t doing their job. These bacteria help break down food, defend your body against toxins, and extract nutrients. According to NativePath, L-glutamine “helps bring balance to your microbiome” to help with metabolism, digestion, and immunity.
  • Increase the integrity of the intestinal lining. L-glutamine is best known in the supplement community as a leaky gut formula. Some take L-glutamine supplements daily for leaky gut. L-glutamine has been shown to help with leaky gut by increasing “tight junction proteins,” which are proteins lining your intestinal tract. Your body doesn’t produce as many tight junction proteins as you age, which can impact gut health. By raising levels of tight junction proteins, L-glutamine “keeps your intestinal lining intact,” according to NativePath.
  • It helps minimize inflammatory responses in the gut. Native Fiber aims to help regulate inflammation in the gut to promote better digestion. If your gut is inflamed, you have a higher risk of gut health problems like IBS, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis. Leaky gut is also associated with inflammation. L-glutamine “helps soothe inflammatory conditions in the gut,” according to NativePath, which could help target the root cause of many digestive health concerns.

How to Take Native Fiber

Most health authorities recommend getting 25g to 38g of fiber per day through dietary sources, depending on age and sex.

Each serving of Native Fiber contains 4g of baobab extract with 2g of dietary fiber. You can take multiple servings per day to promote digestive health.

NativePath added citrus flavor to the formula, giving it a light and pleasant flavor when mixed with water, a shake, or any other beverage.

Here are NativePath’s recommendations for taking Native Fiber:

  • Take 1 to 2 heaping servings (scoops) every day, morning or night
  • Add one scoop of Native Fiber to 8 to 12oz of water, a smoothie, yogurt, a shake, or any other beverage
  • Take up to 3 servings per day (say, one serving per meal)

NativePath recommends starting with at least three jars to properly assess the effects. Depending on usage, three jars contain 90 servings, or a 30—to 90-day supply. By taking Native Fiber for at least 90 days, you can adequately assess its effects.

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What to Expect After Taking Native Fiber

NativePath designed Native Fiber to be the ultimate fiber supplement. The formula contains baobab with soluble and insoluble fiber, helping you enjoy powerful effects on digestion, constipation, and overall health.

NativePath claims “many benefits…may be experienced within the first few days” of taking Native Fiber for the first time, including improvements in regularity, digestive health, metabolism, and colon health.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking Native Fiber:

  • Optimizes Digestion: The primary goal of Native Fiber is to optimize digestion. If you’re like most adults, then you’re not getting enough fiber each day. By taking one scoop of Native Fiber, you can optimize digestion using the power of baobab. Baobab contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Plus, roughly 50% of baobab consists of dietary fiber – 75% of which is soluble fiber, which has prebiotic effects. It’s one reason baobab is linked to a significant impact on digestive health.
  • Helps Prevent Constipation: Baobab contains insoluble fiber, which most people think of when they hear the word “fiber.” It’s the type of fiber that doesn’t dissolve in water. Instead, it bulks up in your digestive tract. Many people take insoluble fiber supplements to help with constipation. The insoluble fiber in Native Fiber “helps prevent constipation by increasing gut motility and bulking up the stool,” according to the manufacturer.
  • Supports Regularity: Increasing fiber in your diet can help you stay regular. If you’re not getting enough fiber, your bowel movements may be infrequent. Getting an appropriate dose of fiber daily can help you stay on track.
  • Helps Ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Native Fiber can help ease irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Consuming high levels of soluble fiber has been shown to help with IBS because it encourages regular bowel movements. Even if soluble fiber on its own doesn’t help with your IBS, the antioxidants (like polyphenols) in baobab could help with gut inflammation and other issues linked to IBS.
  • Fights Bloating: Baobab can fight bloating via its prebiotic effects and ability to push waste out of the body. The prebiotic, insoluble fiber in Native Fiber “stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria,” helping with gastrointestinal distress, bloating, and related issues.
  • Increases Fullness: The two types of fiber in baobab can boost satiety, helping you stay fuller for longer. Fiber increases the time it takes for food to pass through your digestive tract, delaying gastric emptying.
  • May Promote Weight Loss: Fiber can help with weight loss; many people take fiber daily. Fiber can help you stay fuller for longer. It can also boost metabolism, support heart health, and suppress appetite. Overall, it helps you maintain a caloric deficit in multiple ways, which could help to promote weight loss.
  • Helps Balance Blood Sugar: Fiber causes food to stay in your gut for longer, which can reduce blood sugar spikes. Fiber is one reason apples (which are rich in fiber) have a lower glycemic index than a spoonful of sugar (which doesn’t have fiber). The faster sugar reaches your body and the faster your body absorbs it, the more imbalanced blood sugar could be.
  • Supports Immune Function: Baobab has been linked to immune function because it’s packed with vitamin C. Baobab has more vitamin C by weight than many fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is one of nature’s best antioxidants. NativePath admits there’s little formal evidence connecting baobab and immune function, although there’s plenty connecting vitamin C to immunity.
  • Increases Bone Strength: Baobab is rich in calcium and magnesium, making it a surprisingly effective way to promote bone strength. Adding a small amount of baobab powder, to your diet could “keep your bones strong and durable for years to come,” according to NativePath.
  • Promotes Healthy Skin: Vitamin C is linked to skin health, and many people apply vitamin C serums – or take vitamin C supplements – daily for skin health. Vitamin C has been shown to help protect the skin against UV damage caused by free radicals, regulate the synthesis of collagen, and keep skin firm while preventing wrinkles, among other effects.
  • Facilitates Iron Absorption: Baobab “can play a crucial role in your absorption of…iron,” according to NativePath. It doesn’t contain iron itself; instead, it’s rich in vitamin C, which your body needs to absorb iron.

Get your hands on Native Fiber and experience the benefits now!

Scientific Evidence for Native Fiber

Native Fiber uses a strong dose (4g) of baobab fiber extract to promote digestion. The formula also contains 200mg of glutamine. We’ll review the science behind the formula below.

A 2021 study connected baobab (Adansonia digitata) extract to prebiotic effects on the human gut microbiome. Participants took baobab pulp extract or a placebo. Then, researchers tested their fecal matter to analyze levels of probiotics. Researchers found baobab “has promising prebiotic potential” based on its ability to promote levels of probiotic bacteria in the gut.

Baobab’s natural antioxidants could also help with IBS and gut inflammation. A 2013 study in Nutrition Research found baobab to be rich in polyphenols. These polyphenols also helped to reduce starch digestion and glycemic response in humans, suggesting they could help with blood sugar management.

NativePath also promotes Native Fiber to promote skin health. Some studies suggest that vitamin C in baobab when applied topically, could help with skin health. In a 2016 study, for example, researchers found baobab seed oil could promote skin health when applied directly to the skin because of its natural fatty acids and vitamin C content.

One of the most extensive reviews on baobab was published in Nutrients in 2024. Researchers found that the bioactive compounds in baobab—including phenols, flavonoids, tannins, catechins, carotenoids, and proanthocyanins—could impact multiple areas of health and wellness. For example, researchers found these parts of the plant had “antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic [pain-reducing], and antimicrobial activities.”

Glutamine is one of the most popular leaky gut supplement ingredients available today, and some take glutamine daily for leaky gut and general digestive health. A 2019 study found glutamine could help with gut microbiota and overall gut health. A previous study from 2012, meanwhile, found that glutamine specifically helped to protect the intestinal epithelial tight junction.

Native Fiber contains science-backed ingredients linked to gut health and other effects, as verified by multiple scientific trials.

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Native Fiber Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Native Fiber is one of NativePath’s newest supplements. The formula has already received 30+ 5-star reviews on the official website.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

Some customers have left positive reviews for Native Fiber after experiencing changes in specific disease symptoms with the formula. One customer claims it “works great for Parkinson’s patients,” for example. Many people with Parkinson’s disease have constipation.

Other customers have used Native Fiber to manage constipation and digestive health issues linked to medication. One customer claims she is regular for the first time “in 10 years since going on my pain medicine,” for example. In fact, she hasn’t had to use a laxative in a month, thanks to Native Fiber.

Most customers report that Native Fiber easily dissolves into water and has no aftertaste, making it easy to use in daily life.

Many customers use Native Fiber after being disappointed with cheaper, lower-quality fiber supplements like Metamucil. Native Fiber isn’t clumpy or chalky like other fiber supplements, making it easy to take.

Some customers report rapid benefits after using Native Fiber. One customer claims she “was able to go #2 on the same day” she took the formula for the first time, finding it “took away my constipation fast.”

Most customers have good things to say about Native Fiber’s citrus taste, finding it good without being sickly sweet or unpleasant.

Native Fiber Pricing

Native Fiber is available online from the official website. There are several options, but the best deal is available if you enroll in the subscription plan.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Native Fiber online today:

  • Order one jar for $45 – the subscription price is $40.50

Each jar of Native Fiber contains 30 scoops or a 30-day supply. To promote digestive health, you should take 1 to 3 scoops daily.

Native Fiber Refund Policy

Native Fiber has a 365-day money-back guarantee – the same guarantee attached to all NativePath supplements. You have one full year to try Native Fiber, assess its effects, and request a refund if unsatisfied.

About NativePath

Native Fiber is a supplement company co-founded by Doctor of Physical Therapy Dr. Chad Walding, DPT, in 2017. The company is based in Austin, Texas.

Dr. Walding was motivated to launch a supplement company after watching patients struggle with pain, fatigue, and chronic disease. Today, the company emphasizes a “path” to health featuring whole food, pure supplements, high protein intake, healthy fats, and a balanced diet and lifestyle.

In addition to Native Fiber, NativePath is known for supplements like Collagen Peptides, Antarctic Krill Oil, MCT Powder, Collagen Care+, Total Turmeric, and Native Berberine, among others.

You can contact NativePath and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 1-800-819-2993
  • Live Chat (9 am to 5 pm CST):

Final Word

Native Fiber uses the unique power of baobab to provide you with a strong dose of fiber to promote digestive regularity, constipation, and overall health.

95% of American adults don’t get their recommended daily fiber intake. Increasing fiber intake is associated with cardiovascular, digestive, and general health and wellness.

To learn more about Native Fiber and how the supplement works or to buy the formula online today, visit the official website.

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NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder Review: Pros and Cons of Gut Health Support Formula | The Daily World (2024)
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