REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (2024)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (1)

REVISED University of Central Florida Board of Trustees Meeting

September 27, 2012 Live Oak Center

Agenda 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.

Lunch 12:00 p.m. 800-442-5794, passcode, 463796

COMMITTEE MEETINGS 9:00 a.m. — 9:15 a.m. Finance and Facilities, Olga Calvet, Chair 9:15 a.m. — 10:00 a.m. Advancement, Alan Florez, Vice Chair 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Educational Programs, Ida Cook, Chair BOARD MEETING: 1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. 1. Welcome and Call to Order Michael J. Grindstaff, Chair 2. Roll Call Rick Schell, Associate Corporate Secretary 3. Minutes of July 26 meeting Chair Grindstaff 4. Remarks and introductions John C. Hitt, President

5. Reports Distributed-Learning Briefing (Attachment A)


6. Information

INFO -1 Information State University System Annual Status Report on Market Tuition (Waldrop)

7. Consent agenda Chair Grindstaff

EP-1 Approval Tenure with Hire (Waldrop) FF-1 Approval Approvals Regarding University Depositories



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (2)

FF-2 Approval Release of Unrestricted Golden Knights Corporation Revenues (Merck)

FF-3 Approval Naming of the Presentation Room in the Graduate Student Center (Waldrop)

FF-4 Approval Request to Establish Market Rate for Master of

Engineering Management Degree Program (Waldrop)

8. Advancement Committee report Alan Florez, Vice Chair 9. Audit, Operations Review, Jim Atchison, Chair

Compliance, and Ethics Committee report

10. Compensation and Labor John Sprouls, Chair Ad Hoc Committee report 11. Educational Programs Committee Ida Cook, Chair

report 12. Finance and Facilities Committee Olga Calvet, Chair report 13. Nominating and Governance Ray Gilley, Chair Committee report 14. Strategic Planning Committee Alan Florez, Chair report 15. New business Chair Grindstaff 16. Announcements and adjournment Chair Grindstaff

Upcoming meetings:

Board of Governors meeting November 7-8, 2012 (New College of Florida) Board of Trustees meeting November 15, 2012 (Live Oak Center)


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (3)

Minutes Board of Trustees Teleconference

University of Central Florida July 26, 2012

Chair Michael J. Grindstaff called the meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 10:21 a.m. in the President’s Board Room, Millican Hall, on the UCF Orlando campus. In addition to Chair Grindstaff, Vice Chair Olga Calvet attended the meeting. The following board members attended the meeting via teleconferencing: Trustees Jim Atchison, Ida Cook, Alan Florez, Ray Gilley, Marcos Marchena, Harris Rosen, John Sprouls, and Cortez Whatley. WELCOME Grindstaff welcomed the board members and requested that the roll be called. A quorum was present. Grindstaff called for approval of the May 24 and June 25, 2012, board meeting minutes, which were approved as written. Grindstaff reminded the board that the meeting was covered by the Florida Sunshine Law and that the public and press were invited to attend. REMARKS President John C. Hitt announced that UCF has been preparing for a fall student enrollment estimated to be between 59,000 and 60,000. Hitt remarked that the UCF football team had the highest annual grade point average in Conference USA this past year. The football team has also dominated the preseason media poll in Conference USA. CONSENT AGENDA Grindstaff read the consent agenda items into the record. A motion was made to accept the consent agenda, and members of the board unanimously approved the following actions.

• CL-1 Memorandum of Understanding for Instructor and Lecturer Promotion Path between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida – Ratification of the memorandum of understanding between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida.


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (4)

• CL-2 Memorandum of Understanding on Article 14: Promotion and Article 15: Tenure between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida – Ratification of the memorandum of understanding between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida.

• EP-1 Conferral of Degrees – Concurrence with the conferral of degrees at the Summer 2012 commencement ceremonies on August 4.

2,950 baccalaureate degrees 534 master’s degrees 104 doctoral and specialist degrees

3,588 total

• FF-1 Amended Payment Schedule for UCFAA Loans to the University – Approval of amended payment schedule for UCFAA loans to the university.

• FF-2 Increased Line of Credit for UCFAA Operations – Approval to increase

the operating line of credit for UCFAA from $1.2 million to $2 million.

• FF-3 2012-13 Direct Support Organizations’ Budgets – Approval of the 2012-13 operating budgets for the following DSOs: Golden Knights Corporation, UCF Athletics Association, UCF Convocation Corporation, UCF Finance Corporation, UCF Foundation, and UCF Research Foundation.

• FF-4 Renaming of Math and Physics Building – Approval to change the name

of the Math and Physics Building to the Mathematical Sciences Building.


• INFO-1 2013-14 UCF Board of Trustees Meeting Dates – Grindstaff made a motion that was seconded and passed by the board approving the list of the 2013-14 UCF Board of Trustees’ meetings as provided.

ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Alan Florez, Vice Chair of the Advancement Committee, announced that there was no report for the committee.


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (5)

AUDIT, OPERATIONS REVIEW, COMPLIANCE, AND ETHICS COMMITTEE REPORT Jim Atchison, Chair of the Audit, Operations Review, Compliance, and Ethics Committee, reported the highlights from the committee meeting earlier in the day.

• Amy Voelker, Director, University Audit, reported on the College of Medicine Self-insurance Program Financial Statement audit and the 2012-13 University Audit Work Plan.

• Rhonda L. Bishop, Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer, gave a University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Management Program update.

COMPENSATION AND LABOR AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT John Sprouls, Chair of the Compensation and Labor Ad Hoc Committee, reported that the committee met on June 27, 2012. Sprouls noted the items approved in the consent agenda and presented the following item for board consideration.

• CL-3 Memorandum of Understanding for a Domestic Partner Health Care Stipend Benefit Between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida – A motion was made and passed by the board approving the committee’s recommendation to not approve the memorandum of understanding for a domestic partner health care stipend benefit between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS COMMITTEE REPORT Ida Cook, Chair of the Educational Programs Committee, noted the item approved in the consent agenda. FINANCE AND FACILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT Olga Calvet, Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee, noted the items approved in the consent agenda and presented the following item for board approval.

• FF-5 Five-year Capital Improvement Plan – A motion was made and passed by the board approving the capital improvement plan for 2013-14 through 2017-18.

Calvet presented the following item for board approval.

• FF-6 Authorization to Proceed with a Request for Proposals to Develop an On-Campus Site for an Organic or Natural Foods Grocery – A motion was made and passed by the board authorizing William F. Merck II, Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer, to proceed with a request for proposals to develop an 11-acre parcel of land on campus fronting on Alafaya Trail for an organic or natural foods grocery and adjacent retail operation.


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (6)

Calvet congratulated Brad Stricklin, Senior Associate Athletic Director of Business and Chief Financial Officer, on receiving the Orlando Business Journal Nonprofit Chief Financial Officer of the Year award. NOMINATING AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Ray Gilley, Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee, announced that there was no report for the committee. STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT Alan Florez, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, announced that there was no report for the committee. NEW BUSINESS Hitt clarified an article in the Orlando Sentinel dated July 26, 2012, relating to payment of exit fees from Conference USA. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADJOURNMENT Chair Grindstaff announced the following upcoming meetings: Board of Governors meeting September 12-13, 2012 (Florida Gulf Coast University)

Board of Trustees meeting September 27, 2012 (Live Oak Center)

Grindstaff adjourned the board meeting at 10:48 a.m. Respectfully submitted: _________________________Date: ______________________ John C. Hitt Corporate Secretary


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (7)

A Briefing on Distributed Learning


UCF Board of Trustees September 27, 2012

Dr. Joel L. Hartman, Vice Provost & CIO

University of Central Florida

Copyright © 2012, Joel L. Hartman. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate or otherwise to republish requires written permission from the author.


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (8)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (9)

The “Iron Triangle”


Cost Quality


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (10)

Launched in 1996

Six undergraduate programs

Twenty-five graduate programs

Twenty-seven graduate certificate programs

1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (11)

W - Fully online, no class meetings (Web)

M - Blended learning (Web) V – Video Streaming, no class meetings

RV – Video Streaming and other content


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (12)

Fully F2F

Fully Online

Blended Learning


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (13)



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (14)

A Systemic Approach Policy,

Planning, Standards,

Credentialing, Reporting

Faculty Development

Course Design

Course Production

Technical Support



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (15)

Faculty Support

Required faculty development

1,465 faculty to date

Extensive instructional design and course development support

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (16)

FROM Active faculty Transferring knowledge Learning as an individual activity Faculty members as lecturers Tell-read-test

TO Active students Creating knowledge Learning as cooperative and collaborative Faculty as creators of learning environments Engaged, active learning approaches

Barr & Tagg (1995); Buckley (2002)

Fostering A Learning Paradigm


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (17)

UCF Online Learning Impact Evaluation

Students Faculty

Reactive behavior patterns

Success Satisfaction

Demographic profiles


Strategies for success

Online programs

Writing project model

Large online classes

Higher order evaluation models

Student evaluation of instruction


Information fluency

Generational comparisons


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (18)

Student Success (Web)

87 88 88 87 87 91 91 91 91 90 90

94 89 88 88 88 88 89











Fall 09 Spring 10 Summer 10

F2F (n=665,209)

Blended (n=56,316)

Fully online (n=150,834)



Fall 10 Spring 11 Summer 11 018

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (19)

Student Success (Video)

87 88 88 87 87 91

87 83 86 84 84

79 84

92 86 83 84 85











Fall 09 Spring 10 Summer 10

F2F (n=665,209)

V (n=12,050)

RV (n=37,463)



Fall 10 Spring 11 Summer 11 019

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (20)

Withdrawal Rates (Web)

3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 4 5 4 5 4 4 0











Fall 09 Spring 10 Summer 10

F2F (n=743,418)

Blended (n=56,874)

Fully online (n=150,943)



Fall 10 Spring 11 Summer 11 020

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (21)

Withdrawal Rates (Video)

3 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 5 5 7 7 2 4 3 4 4 3











Fall 09 Spring 10 Summer 10

F2F (n=743,420)

V (n=13,226)

RV (n=43,315)



Fall 10 Spring 11 Summer 11 021

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (22)

Student Satisfaction












Fully Online (N = 1,526)

Blended (N = 485) 41%

11% 9%

Very Satisfied

Unsatisfied Satisfied Neutral




Very Unsatisfied

3% 5%



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (23)

Overall Student “Excellent” Ratings

Blended Learning

Fully Online


Video (blended)

Video (fully online)






N = 672,185

– Dziuban & Moskal, 2011 023

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (24)

Students’ Perceptions About Online Learning


Reduced logistical demands

Increased learning flexibility

Technology-enhanced learning

Reduced Opportunity Costs for Education


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (25)



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (26)

Fall 2011 Total Headcount

“Live” Regional Campus Students 5,198

Web Students 18,565

“Live” Main Campus Students 49,852

34,999 59.8% 11,304

19.3% 4,435


504 0.9%

1,363 2.3% 1,485

2.5% 1,825 3.1%

802 1.4%

744 1.3%

828 1.4%

209 0.4%

“Live” Rosen Campus Students 2,604

Note: Medical students (179) are not included in this diagram.


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (27)

University SCH Growth












02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (28)

Regional Campus SCH Growth






03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12028

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (29)

Web-Only Students









2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012029

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (30)



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (31)

Fiscal Impact

Provides capacity equivalent to >$60M of classroom construction (which would have an annual operating cost of $4.1M)

More efficient use of existing classroom space

Growth with quality


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (32)

FY 2011-2012 Expenditures


ON-GROUND $1,391,817,893


ONLINE $7,415,000


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (33)

FY 2011-2012 SCH

ON GROUND 1,052,221 SCH





REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (34)

Other Benefits

Students: increased flexibility, convenience, information fluency (for many students, convenience = quality)

Faculty: professional development, flexibility, teaching and research support

UCF: expanded capacity, ability to serve students anywhere, buffers competition


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (35)

Online@UCF Recognition

EDUCAUSE 2005: Teaching and Learning Award for Online Program

United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) 2000: Excellence in Distance Learning Program Award

American Productivity and Quality Center and State Higher Education Executive Officers 1998: Faculty Development Award for Teaching with

Technology 035

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (36)

Online@UCF Recognition

Sloan Consortium 2012: Excellence in Institution-wide Online Education 2011: Mayadas Leadership Award (Joel Hartman) 2010: Excellence in Online Teaching (Glenda Gunter) 2009: Excellence in Online Teaching (Susan Wegmann) 2008: Ralph E. Gomory Award for Quality Online Education 2005: Outstanding Achievement in Online Education by an

Individual (Chuck Dziuban) 2003: Excellence in Faculty Development for Online Teaching

Tegrity 2012: President’s Award for Vision and Leadership (Hartman)


REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (37)



REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (38)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (39)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (40)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (41)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (42)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (43)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (44)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (45)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (46)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (47)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (48)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (49)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (50)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (51)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (52)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (53)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (54)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (55)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (56)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (57)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (58)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (59)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (60)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (61)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (62)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (63)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (64)

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REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (68)

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2012 Live ...1,461 fully online courses and 1,375 blended learning courses offered to date 010 . W - Fully online, no class meetings - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is online and blended learning? ›

Online courses are those in which at least 80 percent of course content is delivered online. Blended (sometimes called hybrid) instruction has between 30 and 80 percent of the course content delivered online with some face-to-face interaction.

What is an example of blended learning? ›

Blended learning is an educational strategy that combines conventional education with online learning. For example, someone could take an online course to learn the basics of a topic but then attend an in-person seminar to engage with experts and up their skills directly.

What is the combination of online and face-to-face learning? ›

Blended learning combines face-to-face “methods with computer-mediated activities to form an integrated instructional approach” (Pennsylvania State University, 2009).

What is the full form of e learning? ›

eLearning, also known as electronic learning or online learing, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources.

What is the definition of an online course? ›

An online course is defined as one for which all regularly scheduled classroom time is replaced by required activities completed at distance and managed online. • A standard definition provides predictability for students and for the course scheduling. process.

What are the five characteristics of an effective teaching method? ›

6 characteristics of teaching that help students be successful
  • Active learning techniques. ...
  • Great learning environment. ...
  • Clear communication. ...
  • Good relationship between teacher and student. ...
  • Critical thinking. ...
  • Problem solving.
Nov 16, 2021

What does a blended online course mean? ›

“Blended Online Learning” or “Hybrid Online Learning” are phrases used to describe courses in which some traditional face-to-face "seat time" has been replaced or supplemented by online learning activities. The purpose is to take advantage of the best features of both face-to-face and online learning.

What is a blended mode class? ›

Blended learning is the term given to the educational practice of combining digital learning tools with more traditional classroom face to face teaching. In a true blended learning environment, both the student and the teacher should be physically located in the same space.

What does a blended learning classroom look like? ›

In an a la carte blended learning model, students take courses online that support or complement what they are learning in the classroom, either at home or during the school day. In an enriched virtual model, students attend a few in-person class sessions and complete the rest of the coursework online.

What is face to face and online learning called? ›

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods.”

Is face to face classes harder than online? ›

Scientists looking at the effectiveness of distance learning found that in some studies, distance education students performed slightly better in exams and grades than traditional classroom students, but that overall the average performance outcomes weren't that different.

What is the disadvantage of e-learning? ›

A primary concern is the lack of physical interaction, which can impact communication skills and reduce networking opportunities. emphasises that this limitation can lead to a sense of isolation among learners. Self-discipline and motivation are other significant hurdles.

Who is an e learner? ›

These are students who take advantage of learning that is usually Internet-based learning, but could be any electronically enhanced learning; e-learners are technology savvy, motivated, and self-directed.

What does E stand for in e-learning? ›

The eLearning industry is full of acronyms. In fact, the word eLearning itself is an abbreviation for electronic learning!

What is a fully online course? ›

A “fully online” course is any class that's offered in a completely online environment, no in person or on campus meetings. Many courses are offered in an asynchronous learning mode, meaning no scheduled meeting or exam times.

What is another name for an online course? ›

What is another word for online course?
e-learningonline learning
electronic learningdistance education
distance learningonline class
online universityonline education
remote educationremote learning
3 more rows

What is included in online courses? ›

Online courses are often made up of pre-recorded videos, but they can also include several other elements for an engaging online learning experience:
  • Live webinars.
  • Coworking sessions.
  • Discussion groups.
  • Coursework and projects.
  • Quizzes and assessments.
  • Course materials like worksheets and templates.

What is an ineffective teacher? ›

An ineffec- tive teacher makes it difficult for students to learn or decreases their desire to learn by a lack of enthusiasm for the subject, by a hostile or inappropriate behavior toward the students, by a failure to maintain discipline in the class, or by unfairly pre- ferring some students to others.

What are the three major learning theories? ›

Although there are many different approaches to learning, there are three basic types of learning theory: behaviorist, cognitive constructivist, and social constructivist. This section provides a brief introduction to each type of learning theory.

What are the three levels of teaching? ›

Levels of Teaching: Memory level, Understanding level & Reflective Level. Teaching is a multifaceted process that involves various levels of complexity, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of education.

How do you explain blended learning? ›

Blended learning is an educational methodology that blends online or digital components with face-to-face instruction. Including technology in education helps set students up for success later in life, because computers and other connected devices are so integral to communication and business today.

What is online learning? ›

Online learning refers to instruction that is delivered electronically through various multimedia and Internet platforms and applications. It is used interchangeably with other terms such as web-based learning, e-learning, computer-assisted instruction, and Internet-based learning.

How blended learning is better than online learning? ›

Most online courses allow the participants to set their own pace and choose their learning time freely. Blended learning, however, can better support different learning styles. Unlike e-learning, it doesn't try to fit all the participants into the same mould.

What is the meaning of blended learning program? ›

Blended learning is the term given to the educational practice of combining digital learning tools with more traditional classroom face to face teaching. In a true blended learning environment, both the student and the teacher should be physically located in the same space.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.